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 What sets Pina apart from other contemporary dancers and choreographers is that she sites her dance in urban settings, taking the urban landscape and turning it into a transitory sequence for conventional body forms and hand motions. Observers would
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 “When I first began choreographing, I never thought of it as choreography but as expressing feelings. Though every piece is different, they are all trying to get at certain things that are difficult to put into words. In the work, everything belongs
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 Push and pull while creating balance, hence eliminating mundane walls, windows and doors. Alternating motions between dancers- tension between fabric and wire, non linear framework of thought to create new design approaches-expand the limits of
 This exploration supports the notion that every day urban spaces have the potential to be used as an artistic platform for dance performances. By exploiting natural phenomena’s from Pina Bausch into the urban context, observers would enhance the exp
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